Der er masser af mennesker, jeg er absolut interesseret i, såvel som gerne vil møde, såvel som Paris Hilton har altid været på min liste . Berømthed/socialite/mogul er meget meget mere, end hun er afbildet at være, og introducerer meget flere tjenester end mange af os genkender såvel som at fortsætte med at blive i rampelyset efter mange år – en stor del af arbejde for sig selv . Hendes identitet er lys, munter såvel som over-the-top på mange måder. Vi har dækket poser, som Paris Hilton har båret, men det var masser af år tilbage (over otte år, for at være nøjagtige), da Paris kunne lide at bringe Chanel såvel som blev identificeret med en Louis Vuitton Miroir Alma, mens han ferierede med Kim Kardashian.
Men i de sidste ti år har Paris ændret sig meget og introduceret service efter tjenester samt langsomt ændret hendes offentlige persona. Hun er en iværksætter, dyreelsker, for nylig engageret såvel som helt forelsket, såvel som for nylig endte med at være ejer af en usædvanlig såvel som personlig Hermès Birkin fra Privé Porter. Paris øgede Tyrien Birkin blev personlig med utallige Swarovski -krystaller, hvilket gjorde det virkelig unikt såvel som 100% på brand for Paris. Faktisk fortalte hun os, at hvis hun var en taske, ville hun være denne Birkin, såvel som der ikke er nogen taske, der ser ud eller føles meget mere “Paris Hilton” for mig end denne præcise taske.
Vi var heldige tilstrækkelige til at se denne taske, før Paris Hilton fik den selv, da vi arbejder omhyggeligt med Privé Doorperson for at dele et par af de mest fascinerende såvel som svære at finde Hermès-tasker. Såvel som når du får et telefonopkald såvel som nogen spørger dig, om du vil se en skandaløs taske, siger du ja. Den høje kvalitet er fejlfri, når det vedrører krystallerne såvel som deres placering på Birkin, såvel som selve tasken – farven er sindssyg.
Jeg talte med Michelle Berk, skaberen af Privé Porter, der sagde til mig, ”Dette er et koncept, som jeg har haft en ekstremt lang tid med høj kvalitet. Alle maler tasker. ” Hun fortsatte med at fortælle mig, ”Det kom ironisk nok sammen på det tidspunkt, vi hørte fra Paris. Jeg overholdt en bestemt håndværker i nogen tid, jeg kunne godt lide den høje kvalitet såvel som integriteten af hendes arbejde. Jeg kan godt lide, at det også er en kvindelig håndværker. Disse ting er en samlet buste, hvis den høje kvalitet er gimmicky. For krystallerne tog det hende 60 timer at lægge 30.000 krystaller på det. Tro på det: Det tager en Hermes -håndværker omkring 45 for at gøre tasken selv. ”
Der er fem krystaller i forskellige størrelser på posen, så tro på det som det mest skandaløse puslespil uden et ægte mønster. Den øgede Tyrien Birkin er en ekstremt usædvanlig farve – Hermès har ikke brugt denne farve på et stykke tid – og holdet hos Privè Doorperson havde denne taske i sit arsenal i mindst et år. Timingen var rigtig, da denne radikale lyserøde Birkin var den bedste i form til Paris Hilton.
Når det vedrører at få en ekstremt usædvanlig Birkin såvel som at tilpasse den, er Privè Doorperson det sted at gå. Ideel efter Paris taske blev lavet, havde Keyshia Ka’oir også en produceret (et kig på hendes er inkluderet i et par af vores fotos; meget mere information at følge). Kontrollerede vores specielle interview nedenfor såvel som at se vores billeder af posen sammen med et par eksklusive Paris tog for os.
PB: Vi har overholdt dig i lang tid såvel som at forstå, at du er en smart forretningskvinde, uanset hvor mange mennesker ikke genkender det. Fortæl os om din parfume såvel som tilbehørsvirksomhed – hvor enorme er de, nøjagtigt hvor mange lande, hvilke produktlinjer?
Paris: Jeg kan godt lide at være en forretningskvinde så godt som jeg er så glad for det imperium, jeg har skabt. Jeg er ved at frigive min 24. duft så godt som jeg har 19 produktlinjer, med enhver type produkt fra håndtasker, tøj, sko til solbriller, ure, smykker, lingeri, makeup, hudpleje, hus ware, kæledyrstøj, tilbehør som hårprodukter. I have likewise complied with in my family’s footsteps as well as have my own genuine estate properties as well as am branching out to produce my own hotel line. It is such an fantastic feeling to be such an independent successful businesswoman.
PB: Do you have any type of plans to go a lot more upscale on any type of of your brands in the future?
Paris: I like that I can produce great high quality products for my fans that are at an budget-friendly price. I want my fans to be able to gown as well as feel like they are a part of my life with my products. however yes, I do plan on coming out with a a lot more high end line.
PB: Let’s talk love! everybody has been speaking about your interaction as well as like story, including the videos as well as images. exactly how did you people meet? who came up with the hit tune as well as who did the video?
Paris: I satisfied Chris 8 years back at an Oscar celebration at one of the bungalows in the Chateau Marmont. As soon as he walked in,I believed he was the most lovely guy I had ever seen. He promptly walked as much as me as well as we hit it off ideal away. Our friendship ultimately led to the like we have today. I composed the tune “I requirement You.” I wished to compose the best like tune for people to listen to as well as associate to as well as take pleasure in with their liked one. My fiance Chris directed the music video, he is so talented.
PB: When are you getting married as well as tell us what your wedding event will be like?!
Paris: I am still trying to plan the date, it is extremely tough with my stressful service routine considering that I am always traveling as well as working, however absolutely a long time this year. I want it to be the most special day of my life, like a fairytale in a Disney movie. There is so much to plan, I am so ecstatic as well as I cannot wait.
PB: This exquisite custom-made Birkin: exactly how did you as well as Privé doorperson discover each other?
Paris: I was looking with Instagram someday as well as saw the Privé doorperson page. I instantaneously fell in like with all of the lovely unusual Hermes Birkin bags that they carry.
Since the bling sound broke into my home as well as stole my Birkin collection, I had been searching for this unusual increased Tyrien colored Birkin as well as lastly discovered it there. Jeg kan lide det så meget! It’s like bring around a piece of art.
PB: Privé doorperson came by as well as showed the bag to us before you got it, as well as it’s as if Hermès did it themselves when it pertains to the crystals! exactly how do you feel about this Birkin as well as its quality?
Paris: I am so delighted with my new Birkin, it is perfect. If I were a bag, I would be this Birkin. I truly desired it to be special, so they covered it in over 30,000 Swarovski crystals. The high quality is amazing. whenever I wear the bag, I get so lots of compliments as well as people stopping me on the street asking me where I got it. Jeg er forelsket!
PB: In your recent comments, you suggested about the 20 Birkins you lost to the Bling Ring. a lot of of our visitors cannot dream of having 20, let alone losing one. Of them, which one or two were your favorites, as well as which ones, if any, would you like to replace?
Paris: The Bling sound stole lots of things from my home, one of the things I was a lot of upset about, was my collection of 20 Birkins. My favorites were my infant blue Birkin as well as my preferred traditional black Birkin. My new one a lot more than makes up for it.
PB: aside from Hèrmes, tell us about other designers you like—both classics as well as contemporary?
Paris: I am a purse designer as well, so of program I like my Paris Hilton Collection the most. I likewise like to gather Chanel bags as well as I am loving the new Gucci collections.
PB: What’s one thing you desire people understood about you however don’t?
Paris: A great deal of people don’t understand that I am really a significant tech geek. I am consumed with technology. I am really producing my extremely own Paris Hilton VR world in the VR area which I am incredibly ecstatic about. It is going to be so ingenious as well as a game changer.
PB: the most discouraging prejudgment people have about you?
Paris: There are so lots of misconceptions about me. A great deal of people got to understand me with The basic Life, where I was playing a character. So if somebody does not understand me, they presume I am the blonde airhead that I played on the show. I like to be taken seriously as the businesswoman that I am. I don’t like when people underestimate me, however I like proving people wrong.
PB: What’s next for Paris Hilton?
Paris: I am extremely ecstatic about my new skincare line that is about to be launched. We just released my new Unicorn Mist, which has been exceptionally successful as well as well received, as well as now the full line is about to be released. ever considering that I was a bit girl, I have always been consumed with skincare. So I wished to produce a line for women to make their skin lovely inside as well as out.
Also, I am about to release my 24th fragrance as well as it makes me so pleased to have been in the fragrance market for the past 13 years as well as to have developed such a large fragrance empire for my fans to wear, like as well as enjoy.
Pets are likewise a significant enthusiasm of mine, so I am likewise looking ahead to releasing my new pet clothes as well as products for dogs, in which a part of the sales will be contributed to animal charities as well as shelters.
PB: thinking about the task Privé Porter’s craftsman did at your request, do you believe this is a indication of where high high-end is going? people wanting to mark their high-end purchases like a fingerprint, to show their special style? We see so lots of fashion brands, from Adidas to Hermes, using special orders as well as the capability to style special combinations.
Paris: I have alwaysHar været før min tid såvel som foran kurven. Jeg har bedazzling uanset fra mine telefoner til mit tøj i betragtning af at jeg var teenager. Jeg kan godt lide, at Privé Doorperson var i stand til at tilpasse så high end tasker så godt som jeg tror, at dette er absolut fremtiden, hvor folk kan gøre deres specielle stilarter såvel som at tilpasse det til deres karakter såvel som at gøre det til en slags også som endnu meget mere speciel såvel som sjælden.